
gke - good way to spin up a pod and test workload identity

  First create a pod under that namespace that you would like to test. Here we are using test namespace and service account sa.  apiVersion : v1 kind : Pod metadata :   name : test-pod   namespace : test spec :   serviceAccountName : sa   containers :   - name : test-pod     image : google/cloud-sdk:slim     command : [ "sleep" , "infinity" ]     resources :       requests :         cpu : 500m         memory : 512Mi         ephemeral-storage : 10Mi Next, we will  kubectl exec -it pods/test-pod --namespace = test -- /bin/bash And then run the following command curl -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" ""

gke setting up workload identity

Create your gke cluster using autopilot. It should have workload identity turned on. To determine if your cluster is enabled run the following command:  gcloud container clusters describe CLUSTER_NAME --region REGION It should output  Create the kubernetes namespace and service account  First create namespace and service account  kubectl create namespace test kubectl create serviceaccount sa  --namespace test Next, create a bucket using gcloud. gcloud storage buckets create gs:// BUCKET Then grant the  necessary permission  gcloud storage buckets add-iam-policy-binding gs:// BUCKET --role=roles/storage.objectViewer --member=principal:// project-number /locations/global/workloadIdentityPools/ project-id --condition=None You can see permission being granted in your bucket Then you can proceed to create the pods that will run the workload identity  apiVersion : v1 kind : Pod metadat...