
Showing posts from February, 2009

Flex Web Service Simple / Complex Data Type

Let's say you want to invoke a WCF/ASMX web service using Flex and you need to pass in simple and also complex data type. This is my web service (I'm using ASMX) . SayHi requires Username parameter of type string. While Welcome method uses a complex data type as its parameter. [WebMethod] public void SayHi (string Username ) { } [WebMethod] public void Welcome(Person p) { } public class Person { public string Name { get; set; } public string Ability { get; set; } } To show how it is called in Flex just use the following MXML code With MXML : function InvokeService():void { svcTest.SayHi("Jeremy"); } function InvokeComplexType():void { var p = new Person(); p.Name = "Jeremy"; p.Ability = "Coder"; svcTest.Welcome(p); } Using Actionscripts The code here is almost the same with MXML markup. function InvokeService():void { ...

Reinstating Grub after XP installs

Boot up Linux with your bootable Cd or u can simply type a) linux rescue - this will allows you to boot up your linux b) grub c) find /grub/grub.conf it will display something like (hd1,1) d) root (hd1, 1) e) setup (hd0) Reboot your system and you can see grub is loaded.