This post provides a quick and dirty way to setup your doctrine configuration using Symfony v.20. I assume that you're using MySql database. Step 1 First you need to enable your "pdo_mysql" driver in php.ini file. Just uncomment the following configuration in your php.ini. Restart your IIS and you're pretty much done. extension=php_pdo_mysql.dll Step 2 You need to have the following configuration in your symfony\app\config\parameters.ini file. [parameters] database_driver="pdo_mysql" database_host="" database_port="3306" database_name="testproject" database_user="root" database_password="root" mailer_transport="smtp" mailer_host="localhost" mailer_user="" mailer_password="" locale="en" secret="ThisTokenIsNotSoSecretChangeIt" You might have noticed that ...