
Showing posts from January, 2013

Error FAKEROOTKEY set to 818929733

When i was trying to compile linux kernel, i bump into the following issue,  fakeroot: FAKEROOTKEY set to 818929733  fakeroot: nested operation not yet supported Turn out that i was actually running root on top of my username. :D  To fix this, just type "exit" to get out of the root mode and execute fakeroot command again. 

Knockoutjs markup evaluation is javascript like

Lets say you have an observable called "totalRecordCount" and using the following code to evaluate if a markup should be visible. data-bind="visible : $index < $root.totalRecordCount" All these will be evaluated to false, until ......... data-bind="visible : $index() < $root.totalRecordCount()" Seems like evaluation falls back pretty much to traditional javascript evaluation.

Navigating around jstree

Here are some methods that you probably need to know to work with jstree. 1. Get the currently selected node var treeDivControlName = "myJsTree"; var selectedNode = $('#'+ treeDivControlName).jstree('get_selected'); 2. Get the path from root to the currently selected node  var parents = $("#" + treeDivControlName).jstree("get_path", selectedNode); 3. Creating a  new node in your tree  $("#" + treeDivControlName).jstree("create", selectedNode, "inside", newNode.node); 4. Removing the currently selected node  $("#" + treeDivControlName).jstree("remove", null);  // null will remove the currently selected node

Working with JsTree : Create a tree

jstree is one of the most popular javascript tree user control around.  However, using it is not so straight forward. Let's go ahead and create your first jsTree. There are several ways to create a jstree either through HTML or via JSON. This is really just a matter of loading the proper plugin. Think of plugin as feature for your jstree. Please include jquery and jquery.jstree.js in your page. The code sample below show how to create a simple jsTree, JSON way. $("#" + treeDivControlName).jstree({ "json_data" : { "data" : [ c1.node, c2.node, companyNode.node ] }, "plugins" : [ "themes", "json_data", "ui", "checkbox", "crrm", "contextmenu" ] }).bind("select_node.jstree", function (e, data) {  alert("id") +  ":" +"nodeType")); }); ` Check out the plugin section - yo...