setting up laravel in windows
Please make sure you have php5 and composer installed. It's best you install it under C:\php directory because most settings assume that we follow this. Next run the following command, composer global require "laravel/installer" If you encounter error saying that you are using an insecure connection, then issue the following command from command prompt. composer config -g secure-http false Next you need to create a laravel application by using the following statement. Here we just created an app called 'blog' laravel new blog Please change directory into blog and issue the following command composer install Many text will say that you will be able to run from the local development server....well that's not the case. Issue the following command first, You need to make sure you have enabled extension :- openssl and mbstrings. Open up your php.ini file and look under the section 'extensions' and begin to modify it. Otherwise this won...