
Showing posts from August, 2017

Scaffold-DbContext build failed

If you're getting build failed running "Scaffold-DbContext" (as shown below) Then you need to ensure that your entire project build successfully. Not just the project that you're working on. Once you have your project errors all fixed, continue running the scaffold command. core error to "could not find file or assembly with custom assembly"

If your .net core project throws an exception saying "could not find file or assembly. File not found". Even though you have added it into the project. To fix this, convert your class .dll into a nuget package. A pix worth a thousands words! :) core self hosted application not running

When you run your application, particularly the startup.cs, and if you faces problem hitting into methods such as a) public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)     Then what you can do is try to go to command line and run "dot net run" to see if you have any exception on the console. Possible reason could be exception trying to load certain dll file that is not there.

Kurbenetes : Retrying. E0611 12:40:36.428003 9060 start.go:133] Error starting host: Error getting state for host: machine does not exist

I face this issue running minikube on Window on my J drive. When i switch it to c drive things seems to be working fine.

webapi streaming

If you need to stream a video from webapi, you can use the following codes. The code is taken from stackvoerflow. I did not write it. If you're using .net core, use the following code. There are loads of sample in the internet, but i think this works well for .net 4.6. You probably need to know that if you not sure exact size of your files, try PushStreamContent. Otherwise, you can just use StreamContent.

HttpStatusCode Details.....

        //         // Summary:         //     Equivalent to HTTP status 100. System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Continue indicates that         //     the client can continue with its request.         Continue = 100,         //         // Summary:         //     Equivalent to HTTP status 101. System.Net.HttpStatusCode.SwitchingProtocols indicates         //     that the protocol version or protocol is being changed.         SwitchingProtocols = 101,         //         // Summary:         //     Equivalent to HTTP status 200. System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK indicates that the         //     request succeeded and that the requested information is in t...

differences between dotnet pack vs dotnet publish

dotnet publish build and ensure your application is ready for deployment and ready for runtime - it comes with all the necessary dll, project dependencies. dotnet pack on the other hand, ensure that you application is build as a nuget package and allows your users to pull down only this .dll. Nuget will resolves dependencies but only your dll is packaged and distributed.

my ruby rails cheat sheet

Skip actions  skip_before_action : verify_authenticity_token protect_from_forgery : except => : create Create an API project  rails new my_api --api Create a normal project  rails new blog Create Model  $ bin/rails generate model Article title:string text:text Start server  bin/rails server Controller  bin/rails generate controller Welcome index Running Migration  rails db:migrate Rollback Migration  rake db : rollback STEP = 1

Scaffold-DbContext update existing model if database changes.

Simple and nice answer -> use Force options as shown below :- Scaffold-DbContext "Server=localhost;Database=MyDatabase;Trusted_Connection=True;" Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer -OutputDir DataModel - FORCE Anyways if you would like to find out more about that, please jump into the following link .

Installing Ruby 2.4 without Tears on Windows

First we need to 1. Download ruby installer from here , 2. Download msys2 installer  and install it. It is all right if you don't. Step 3 will force you to do it. :) 3. Run ruby installer. At the end of it, installer is intelligent enough to prompt you to install MSYS2. You basically need to go through all 3 option prompted. 1. MSYS base installation 2. MSYS2 System update 3. MSYS2 and MingGW development toolchain Once you have done that, open up command prompt and start installing your gems, for example :- gem install rails.

Scaffold-DbContext context not found error for .net core 2 / net core 1.1.2

I assumed you have already installed a)  Install-Package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer b)  Install-Package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools c)  Install-Package Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.CodeGeneration.Design For example, my .net core app is target for 1.1, so Install-Package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer -version 1.1.2 Install-Package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools -version 1.1.1 Might need to restart your VS2017, depending on how convulated your project is. I have a simple project that i just created from scratch i don't eve need to restart. For one for the projects, i did restarted my VS2017. You will need to get this packages correctly installed depending on what .net project (.netcore 2, .netcore 1.1) Remember to restart your visual studio, goto Nuget Package Manager console and try running scaffold-dbcontext, for example :- Scaffold-DbContext "Server=(localdb)\.;Database=IDS_ODS;Trusted_Connection=True;" Microsoft....

docker - connecting your host to a container

Phew! Spent a few hours on this and finally i was able to get it right. Task :- Spin up a new docker container running my app and connect to it from my windows host.  Sounds simple enuff, I think the biggest gotcha is setting your application port to "" instead of "localhost", as shown in diagram below. My app is a .net core app - of course it is, how else would u want to host it in docker. :) Here is my docker file And then i use the following command to spin up my docker. docker build . -t accmicroserve docker run -P accmicroserve (if you do it this way, you might get a random PORT from your container) docker run -p 5000:5000 accmicroserve (here we're saying we're fixed the port to 5000). Your docker instance already started, and ready to go.

weird things can go wrong with core configuration

Been working on .net core configuration lately and take me a bit longer to wire up this up. When you create the configuration, create a configuration that matches the entire appsettings.json file. For example, We have a configuration called AppConfig which contains a property called BlommbergAimConfiguration.(highlighted in orange) Under this, we have some other tokens settings (highlighted in green) Once you have this, as long as you call Configure (Configuration), any configuration will be populated accordingly.

tls1.2 support in .net core

When you trying to support tls1.2 in .net core or porting existing application from .net 4.6, these might not work :- ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12 | SecurityProtocolType.Tls11 | SecurityProtocolType.Tls; You need to make the change from this to WinHttpHandler. First, you need to install nuget package. Install-Package System.Net.Http.WinHttpHandler -Pre Next you need to run dotnet build (somehow my VS2017 Express wasn't able to recognize this nuget package that i've ran) Once you have done that, you should be able to write this piece of code.

Reactive extesion for .Netcore.

To get it running on your system, just try adding it into your project. Install-Package System.Reactive -Version 3.1.1

async ValueTask gives performance improvement

Instead of using Task, might be good that add a value in what we call by calling ValueTask. It's suppose to be faster. Hopefully i can get some numbers out here. Essentially to call it, just simply use the followings :- async ValueTask TestValueTask ( int d ) { await Task . Delay ( d ); return 10 ; }

Weird case C#7 Tuple for .Net 4.6

If you're using .Net 4.6 or lower, you need to install Install - Package "System.ValueTuple" To get this to work .... static void Main ( string [] args ) { var x = DoSomething (); Console . WriteLine ( x . x ); } static ( int x , int y ) DoSomething () { return ( 1 , 2 ); }

.Net core logging info is abit out of date

I find that Microsoft .Net core logging documentation is a bit out of date for Log Level. Somehow if we set to Log level to Warning, it will not show logs on "Information level". It will show Error log level. This only if we're calling this command here in the startup.cs.  loggerFactory.AddConsole(Configuration.GetSection("Logging")); appsettings.json {   "Logging": {     "IncludeScopes": false,     "LogLevel": {       "Default": "Warning"     }   } } The docs had it reversed.  Adding a serilog logger, will logs everything and this doesn't applies. 

Elixir tuple, struct and map

Elixir Tuple To declare a tuple, you simply declare d = {1, "b", :c"} And to retrieve it use elem function.  elem(d, 0) // return 1  elem(d, 1) // return "b" You can use Tuple function to help out with tuple manipulation. Elixir Map Sometimes it can be confusing because we are declaring  map using the same operator {}. Map are key value pair. To declare, simple type a = %{  a  => 1, b => 2 } // you can't do this  a = %{"a" => 1, "b" => 2} // ok if you're using ATOM , you can declare as follows (notice the change of parameter from => (arrow key) to ":" below) :-  l = %{a: 1, b: 2 } Accessing map ( Non-Atom Map ), you can simply,   a["a"] // output 1   a["b"] // output 2  Or you can use  Map.get(a, "a") // output 1  Map.get(a, "b") // output 2 Accessing Atom map  If your map is declare this way :    l = %{a: 1, b...

Creating a simple phoenix plug

Plug is a execution component in Phoenix processing pipeline. Here we're gonna create one and hook it up to the existing pipeline. First you need the code below. The most important thing to do here is to define a) init which execute "call" method. b) call method -> which has the actual functions / implementation of what you're going to do. For this example, we're just going to write a simple output to the screen. if  you look at line 12, we're already tied up our plug and pass in a parameter with the value "en". If you run your "mix phoenix.server" and make a request, you should be able to see some funny output on the command prompt.

Print out the Plug connection object.

We can easily use IO.inspect to debug dump Plug conn object as shown in code below :- def index (conn, _params) do render conn, "index.html" IO .inspect conn.req_headers IO .inspect conn end