
Showing posts from October, 2017

Powershell - Creating and unpacking a zip (archieve file)

Here are some way to create an archive Compress-Archive -Path .\bin\ $ targetBuild \* -DestinationPath .\ $ serviceName .zip To add to this archive, use the -update parameter Compress-Archive -update -Path .\deployControlService.ps1 -DestinationPath .\ $ serviceName .zip To unzip your achieve, use the following command Expand-Archive -Path .\ -DestinationPath $ servicePath

10 min Android Braintree (Paypal) integration

Braintree is a paypal payment portal which provides sdks for android, ios, .net core to help you pay via paypal. How you do it? There are 3 main steps to do it 1. Add BrainTree Drop-In 2. setup onActivityResult 3. Add Braintree activity to your manifest file. 1. Drop In Drop-in is a quickest way to enable paypal in your app. It handle UI and application from. Say a user clicks on "pay using paypal", it should run the following codes private void OpenDropIn() { DropInRequest dropInRequest = new DropInRequest() .clientToken( mAuthorization ) .amount( "1.00" ) .requestThreeDSecureVerification(Settings. isThreeDSecureEnabled ( this )) .collectDeviceData(Settings. shouldCollectDeviceData ( this )) .androidPayCart(getAndroidPayCart()) .androidPayShippingAddressRequired(Settings. isAndroidPayShippingAddressRequired ( this )) .androidPayPhoneNumberRequired(Settings...

git discard un-committed changes

Easy way to do this, with sourcetree, is to open up terminal and then run the following command git clean -df git checkout -- .