
Showing posts from October, 2018

Git command to revert all current changes

This probably one of the best command for me to use this week, reset all  changes in my current branch # Revert changes to modified files. git reset --hard # Remove all untracked files and directories. (`-f` is `force`, `-d` is `remove directories`) git clean -fd

Code splitting with React - suspense

React supports code splitting by default now using Suspense as shown in the following code snippet. Awesome stuff import React , { lazy , Suspense } from 'react' ; const OtherComponent = lazy (() => import ( './OtherComponent' )); function MyComponent () { return ( < Suspense fallback ={ Loading...</ div >}> < OtherComponent /> </ Suspense > ); }  

Roslyn and syntax visualizer

One of the best way to navigate and get your bearings right trying to figure out how to parse your code is with Syntax visualizer. It can be found from View->Other Windows -> Syntax Visualizer and you're good to go. On your left (black screen) is your code and on the top right, is your parsed tree. Values for each of the screen are indicated in the property screen.

cli to generate all your ngrx store / effects / etc

Here is a link that provides easy way to work with ngrx in your Angular App.

c# the power of pattern matching and code simplication

Consider the following code :- And then with the power of pattern matching, it gets simplified into :- Walla!!

.Netcore adding ruleset for your code analysis project

VS2017 might not support ruletset from the UI. But you can change that by copying your RuletSet and refererncing it from your project :- So what I've done is I added   C3.ruleset In our project and then you can see how it gets reflected in the project. You can even click on the RuleSet and make some modifications. Play around wit the filtering and whalla ..... Have fun! :)

Rosyln - adding analyzer into your .Netcore project

What if you wanna add Roslyn into your .Net Project? Ansnwer -  You can add the following into your .Net core project (exactly what you would do in my previous post ) :-      

Enabling Roslyn code analysis in your project

Let's say you have created your code analysis pack from Roslyn. How do you turn it on your project? Just right click, on your project and select "Add Anaylzer".  Choose your code analyzer, in  your project (you can distribute it as part of your project as nuget). Doing this is similar to adding a piece of code as shown below in your project. Well all you need to do is edit csproj files, add this in and reload :-       That's it and you will start to see alot of squirly text in your project, depending on what you're trying to do.

rosyln build

Finally was able to work on Roslyn, compiler sdk framework. You don't need to but to build Roslyn you just need to clone it on github and then run the following commands in sequence :- a) Restore.cmd b) Build.cmd c) Test.cmd

collection of awesome streaming algorithms material

I got this from a gist and don't want to miss out on this :-

Cannot find module '@angular-devkit/core'

I was trying to run  ng g app myApp and hit this error message :- The solution is to run the following command. Please note that this happens regardless of what angular/cli version you're using from 1.6.x to 6.x.x  npm i -D @angular-devkit/core

powershell : Testing if port or computer is up

Found out a quick and dirty way to test if a computer is up is using the following script :- Notice that i am using Test-NetConnection which is readily available in Powershell.

Powershell : Invoke variable as a command

When writting powershell script, you often need to run parse your command string and then run it as any regular command. Here is how you do it, using Invoke-Expression. $portConfig = "$($port):1433" $cmd = "docker run -d -p $portConfig -v $MOUNTPATH/:$CONTAINER_MOUNTPATH/ $DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME" Invoke-Expression $cmd

react smart vs presentation component

React presentation component :- React smart component

Powershell - Invoke-sqlcmd to connect to a mssql server using different port

You might be able to use the following code to connect to an instance of sql server on a different port. Here 's how you can do it.

WebVr on Ghrome

To get activate your webvr api on Chrome, please ensure you're running Chrome version 68 and  above. Please ensure you enable your WebVR option as shown below :- Please download WebVR API Emulation plug-in. Please goto and run some of the examples there.

windows - upgrading nodejs

Ok, not really sure why or how i missed this but the best way to upgrade nodejs without using an installer on windows is to : Just run the code below :- Set - ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted - Scope CurrentUser - Force npm install - g npm - windows - upgrade npm - windows - upgrade

mssql restore using tsql

To restore your Mssql BAK database, you need to use the restore command and often you need to move your mdf / ldf files to folders. How do you find out what's the mdf/ldf files in a .Bak file?

BrowserModule in angular

If you wonder what is the use of BrowserModule, well it is export of CommonModule ( which consist of angular directory, ngIf, pipe, ngFor) and ApplicationModule (root injector for bootstraping application)

angular - breaking application into smaller modules

The following codes shows example how we can make use of angular module and break it down into submodules. This is the router  Sample customer moduile.  Sample item module 

Dockerfile CMD - There can only be one.

Regardless of current or previously configure docker image, CMD can only be executed once. For example, let's say you use image PARENT_IMAGE_DOCKER and it uses a CMD to build this image. If you build on top of PARENT_IMAGE_DOCKER  and call it CHILD_IMAGE_DOCKER, you are still stuck with running / configuring a single CMD. Image builder needs to be careful. The work around for this is to use a script (mountdb.script) which gets called and the runs whatever scripts that PARENT_IMAGE_DOCKER requires. You can see some samples here (Notice on line 36, I called .\start.ps1 - which is what the image used to run.

powershell to download file from sftp site

Here is a sample powershell script to download files from a sftp site using WinScp's dll.

docker - creating an image that restore database from .bak files.

Microsoft host a mssql docker image that use 'attach' method to mount database - this assume you have .mdf / ldf files available. To deal with .bak files, it can be tricky. Hence i have created the following docker image and powershell scripts. The docker file. This is not possible without "mountdb.ps1".  This scripts generate and runs restore command This scripts runs "Invoke-SqlCmd" to execute scripts and doesn't really required login. It then runs, start.ps1 which change sa's password base on your environment settings. Git repo can be found here .

angular 6 - working with key material schematics

Angular 6 comes with a feature called schematics for creating material applications easier. First you need to install angular material using the following commands :- ng add @angular/material We assume that you have installed the latest angular cli tools, if not please install it using the following instructions Some common schematics uses are :- ng generate @angular/material:materialNav --name=main-nav ng generate @angular/material:materialtable --name=main-nav ng generate @angular/material:material-dashboard --name mydashboard Let'st take dashboard as an example. After executing it, the following files will be added for you. Update your app.component.html with the following codes (app-mydashboard is the selector defined in app-mydashboard.ts component. < li > < h2 >< a target = "_blank" rel = "noopener" href = "" > Tour of Heroes </ a ></ h2 > ...

Angular 6 - upgrading the the latest cli tools

You can upgrade to the latest cli tools using the following command :-  npm install @angular/cli@latest -g To upgrade existing project, just run the following commands  ng update @angular/cli

@() mean in Powershell

@ in powershell means array and @() means create an empty array.

mssql docker windows container

The best way to setup docker for mssql server (developer edition) is using the following image and it can be as simple as this. Please note that this image supports database mounting (it comes for free). FROM microsoft/mssql-server-windows-developer ENV SA_PASSWORD=Password1! ENV ACCEPT_EULA=Y To build it. docker build -t mssql:v1 . To mount database with your local directory, just run the following command :- docker run -d  -p 1400:1433 -v C:/mssqldata/:C:/mssqldata/ -e attach_dbs="[{'dbName': 'PTS','dbFiles': ['C:\\mssqldata\\pts.mdf','C:\\mssqldata\\pts_log.ldf']}]" mssql:v1 Noticed i am mounting my local folder called c:\mssqldata and specify environment settings called attach_dbs and it is in json format. After running it, fire up your, connect to your localhost,1400 port and you will see your mounted database. If you have multiple database, it can be in this format :- [ { ...

c# expression body for working with multiple item.

Many times you need to work with constructor assignment of multiple value for body expression The following code show how we can do it. public class Person { public string Name { get ; } public int Age { get ; } public Person ( string name , int age ) => ( Name , Age ) = ( name , age ); }

redux saga - proper return from fetch

Let's say you have the following saga code to call and put a http request. export function* fetchUser ( action ) { try { const users = yield call ( getUsers ); yield put ({ type: USER_FETCH_SUCCEEDED , users: users }); } catch ( e ) { yield put ({ type: USER_FETCH_ERROR , message: e . message }); } } Here we call getUser which needs to be correctly handle, otherwise you get alots of weird handling issue downstream. For example, you might return a promise like so, function getUsers () { return fetch ( FETCH_USER_URL ); } Or even as follows :- function getUsers () { return fetch ( FETCH_USER_URL ) . then ( response => response . json ()) } The proper way is to do as follows Why? Because this will return an array of plain objects instead of Promise(). which you cannot call more than once. Why do you call this more than once? In react lifecycle, your function will get call more than on...

c# when action is not void

Imagine that we're passing have a method that accept Action as a parameter. public void Invoke ( Action action ) { /*Code Here */ } And if we pass something like this  public void Invoke ( Action action ){ /*Code Here */ } public void WriteSomething() { Console.WriteLine('test'); } We get an error cannot convert void to System.Action. In reality we're passing void back which is wrong. We should invoke it like so, Invoke(() => { /* code here */ } Invoke(() => { UpdateSomething(localVar1, localVar2, localVar3); }

docker run weirdness

For some reason we need to have the port parameter up first like so, docker run -p 8000:27017 mongodb-xdb I tried  running it docker run mongodb-xdb -p 8000:27017 And I get some error. So weird.

Difference between set vs setx

The difference between SET and SETX are SETX - setting the environment variable is made permanent SET - setting the environment variable temporarily.

Activation function -

Here are some activation function that i found and think it is pretty useful. To understand better, lets take a look at this classification problem from tensorflow :- model = keras . Sequential ([     keras . layers . Flatten ( input_shape =( 28 , 28 )),     keras . layers . Dense ( 128 , activation = tf . nn . relu ),     keras . layers . Dense ( 10 , activation = tf . nn . softmax ) ]) We're building a sequential model, CNN. a) Flatten -> will convert 28 x 28 to a 784 pixel. b) Dense - relu activation function - which is a fully connected 128 layers. c) Softmax - configure to return probability of 10 different possibility. 10 possible outcome with highest probability. Something like this :- array([1.0268966e-05, 4.5652584e-07, 2.2796411e-07, 2.6025206e-09, 4.2522177e-07, 4.1701975e-03, 1.1740666e-05, 2.8226489e-02, 4.3704877e-06, 9.6757573e-01], dtype=float32) Normally you will take the high value to get pr...

Common import mistake with typescript vs javascript

I really need to get this right, once and for all. Seems to be making simple mistakes when it comes to typescripts import vs javascript import. For example, The javascript way import = renderer from ' react-test-renderer ' ; The typescript way,  import * as renderer from ' react-test-renderer ' ;

jester js for typescript testing

If you are writing your code in typescript and decided to use jesterjs then this is the right blog to read. Jesterjs works well with .js files. If you're using typescript, you need to ts-jest . To setup, npm install --save-dev jest typescript ts-jest react-test-renderer Then you need to configure file presets :- npx ts-jest config:init Then you can follow sample code as given by Jesterjs here, Hope this helps to add test to your project, faster

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'tagName' of null

If you encounter this error, this means that you have use to wrong file name for your purpose. Try changing ts to tsx. This will help.