
Showing posts from August, 2023

azure keyvault upgrading from basic to premium via az cli

We can upgrade our sku from basic to premium using az cli. Here is the link that allow us to do just that If you want to convert premium to standard, you can also do that  az keyvault update --set --name mykeyvault --resource-group my_rg_name

nextjs - building and deploying your applications

To start nextjs application, we need to run "npm run build", to get a production build. Next you need to manually copy a folder called "static" to ./next/standalone/.next (notice there is 2 .next folder) Then by running "node server.js" in standalone folder will allow you to load your application correctly.

Auth0 - CallbackHandlerError: Callback handler failed. CAUSE: Missing state cookie from login request (check login URL, callback URL and cookie config).

This seems like Auth0 stores the login session information and when I try to relogin from another host, it says unable to find the session cookies. Clear the cookies and redo the login process. 

open-next installing and preparing your nextjs for deployment

First you have to install using npm install.  npm install -g open-next The run the build command open-next build Finally, examine the output in .open-next folder 

sst - open next - deployment in detail

Type 'string | null' is not assignable to type 'string | undefined'.

 Use the non-null assertion operator for example! to resolve it  Or alternative you can cast it into a more acceptable typed for example as string  Best approach is to use type guard .  const username = !== null ? : ''


 This tools allows us to do a dump of application gc. So we start off with dotnet-dump ps which list down all the processes.  Then run dotnet-gcdump collect -p 11596, to generate the reports out  dotnet-gcdump report .\20230827_162357_11596.gcdump An example output is shown in diagram below:

dotnet-dump - collecting dump from Windows or Linux environment

 We can easily install this tool to collect dump from Linux and Windows environment. dotnet tool install --global dotnet-dump Once you have install it, run dotnet-dump ps to list current processes To create a dump, simply run the following command, where -p is the process Id (as listed by command above  dotnet-dump collect -p 11596 Once you have collected the dump, it is time to analyze it. There's some differences from windbg but it is essentially the same.  You will need to run  clrthreads  As you can see, we have an exceptions here. Then we just run "pe" (print exceptions) with the address   000001620000c370 This will gives us the exceptions.  One thing good about dotnet-dump is that sos would just work. For example you can try to use  sos runtimes  Dumping IL  First you need the correct method descriptior. To get that, try to run : sos dumpstack  Then you can run dumpil for example  If you have problem, always reme...

dotnet linux dump

link to install windbg -

nextjs - page load acting weird and loads multiple times

  The solution is basically turn on react restrict mode in the next.config.js. const nextConfig = {     experimental : {         //outputStandalone: true,         serverActions : true ,     },     reactStrictMode : true , } To read more about react restricted mode here:

nextjs cannot set cookies - Error: Cookies can only be modified in a Server Actions or Route Handler.

 As stated in this open issue here: The solution is the user either server actions or route handler as documented here.

nextjs - app router routing.ts behaviour

 if you are using app router in nextjs and you have a routing.ts and page.tsx in the same folder, then it will not even compile and throws an error.  

nextjs - page model (not app) when you need to create load-able page, you need to be creating folder and name it index.tsx

  Example code that works import type { InferGetServerSidePropsType , GetServerSideProps } from 'next' ; type Repo = {   name : string   stargazers_count : number } export const getServerSideProps : GetServerSideProps <{   repo : Repo }> = async () => {     console . log ( "executing getServerSideProps" );   const res = await fetch ( '' )   const repo = await res . json ()   console . log ( repo );   return { props : { repo } } } export default function Page ({     repo   } : InferGetServerSidePropsType < typeof getServerSideProps >) {       return (       <>       < p > hello there </ p >       </>     ) }

getStaticProps - this only take place during build time - so you can't get cookies or ask it to do dynamic stuff.

auth0 - nextjs integration via universal login easy to follow guide

react useEffect when configuring dependency list to [] - equivalent to to componentMount

 This basically means that the component will load the first time and do it things  useEffect (() => {       console . log ( "effect called." );    }, []); Probably relevant to other scenario as well - this shows an example but maybe not realistic one - that if you forget to clean, there could be some side effects.   useEffect (() => {     console . log ( "calling effects" );     const itv = setInterval (() =>     {       setCount ( count + 1 )     }, 3000 );     return () => {         clearInterval ( itv );     }    }, [ count ]);

envoy gateway gatewayClass

  Envoy gateway supports one GatewayClass (one load balancer per K8s) but sometimes there could be more scenario where you have more than one GatewayClass - 2 or more load balancer) then you might need to instantiate that in a namespace.  Troubleshooting gateway issues kubectl get gatewayclass  If your gatewayclass works correctly, then its column "Accepted" would be true - as shown below. My Product gatewayClass has issue as it has a status "Unknown". Also you can do a kubectl logs on the envoy proxy controller in the envoy-gateway-system. It should shows a huge bunch of logs about reconciling gateway classes.  In my scenario, I have multiple gateway class. If you do a kubectl get gateway  -A, you should see PROGRAMMED = true if your gateway is running correctly.  Since I created another gateway class in marketing namespace, it also create a Load Balancer service and if you look at the diagram above, i have it bind to localhost:8080.  So all I need to...

getting k8s features enabled

 Given that some AKS cluster is managed, i think the best way to check/see if a feature is installed is by running  kubectl api-resources

k8s features gate link

Syntax error: Selector "li" is not pure (pure selectors must contain at least one local class or id)

This error indicate that you cannot have global selector such as ul or li definite in module.css. You must have a specific classname as shown in example below:  .productInfo {     font-size : 12pt ;     font-weight : bold ; } .productDescription {     font-size : 10pt ; }

nextjs dynamic() - is not assignable to parameter of type 'DynamicOptions<{}> | Loader<{}>'.

You can try the following solution  const StaticLabel = dynamic (() => import ( './productTitle' ). then ( mod => mod . StaticLabel )); or  const StaticLabel = dynamic < any >(     () => import ( './producTitle' ). then ( mod => mod . StaticLabel )   )

react - typing component layout in its most simplest form

 Always keep on forgetting the syntax for this - create a component and apply typing for it. export const StaticImage = ({ imageUrl } : { imageUrl : string }) => {     return < Image     src = { imageUrl }     alt = ""     width = { 500 }     height = { 500 } /> }

k8s troubleshooting resources

  Found 2 good AKS kubernetes troubleshooting resources:

Property 'assign' does not exist on type 'ObjectConstructor'

 Bump into this error a day ago and the solution is to add this to tsconfig.ts "lib" : [ "esnext" , "dom" ]

More information for Envoy Gateway

 We can have this here

nextjs getting error : hostname is not configured under images in your `next.config.js`

Tried with adding this to resolve it, still didn't work for me.   images : {         remotePatterns : [             {                 protocol : 'https' ,                 hostname : '' ,                 port : '' ,                 pathname : 'images/*' ,             },         ],     }, But this does work - I guess I am using older version of nextjs but my package.json says I am on version 13.4.11. images : {         domains : [ '' ],       },

Another interesting website that talks about website performance

material ui - adding margin-top to Grid

 We can easily add some spacing to our grid by using the following: < Grid         container         spacing = { 0 }         alignItems = "center"         justifyContent = "center"         sx = { { minHeight : '20vh' , marginTop : 10 } }         >

escaping nunjucks {{

To escape, i just use   {% raw % } ${{ parameters.tfautoapprove }} {% endraw %} As you can see, the {{ is escaped.  Can refer to this article for more info.

npm ci --force vs yarn - don't understand enough what's these command do :)

 Today was installing app dependencies using yarn and npm. When i do a "npm install" it keeps on saying I need to resolve some dependencies.  Then tried using npm ci --force it works. npm ci is used specifically for an automated or ci environment where there will be less interactivity. --force : will force npm to fetch remote resources even if a local copy exists on disk.

ChunkLoadError: Loading chunk app/page failed. - delete the .next folder and restart.

typing prisma results

Getting the prisma result type can be interesting. / 6.0 perhaps 8.0 - This uses Microsoft WSL2 linux

Interesting graphql resources -

type-graphql - can't get it install as it is doesn't support graphql v16 yet :(

require() of ES Module when running `prisma db seed `

 Getting this error and able to resolve it using    "prisma" : {     "seed" : "ts-node --compiler-options { \" module \" : \" CommonJS \" } prisma/seed.ts"   },

MUI Grid Item - does not exist? WTF

document is not defined in vitest

Resolve this by defining the following in your vitest.config.ts, as shown below. Please make sure you have install jsdom package. import { defineConfig } from 'vite' ; import react from '@vitejs/plugin-react' ; export default defineConfig ({   plugins : [ react ()],   test : {     environment : 'jsdom' ,   }, });

'failed to resolve import in '@/...'" vitest?

Bump into this error and i resolve it by using the good old absolute path for example if you have component in /src/component then you should provide '../component/<your component name>.tsx'