Creating your babel transpiler
Babel helps to convert ES2015 and Jsx to javascript. So it is a javascript to javascript - parser and code generator.
In this tutorial i will show you a very simple tutorial working with babel main components namely :
a) babylon - a parse which takes javascript code and convert into AST.
b) babel-traverse - allow us to traverse through AST
c) babel-generator - code generator
Our goal is to convert this code
let a = 2 + 2
let total = 2 + 2
Simple enough, so lets get started.
1. First we need to create a new folder.
2. Issue npm init and provide relevant information here
3. npm install --save babylon
npm install --save babel-generator
4. Create a file called index.js and it should contain the following codes :-
Type node index.js to run this example
You will see the output :
{ map: null, code: 'let total = 2 + 2;' }
Noticed that we have converted "a" to total.
To really understand how things tied together please read babel handbook.
Entire code can be download here.