kind - setting up your local kubernetes cluster on windows
kind uses docker to setup a kubernetes cluster locally. Each node is a running container in docker.
To get started started, go to your default directory and then run the following command
curl.exe -Lo kind-windows-amd64.exe
Move-Item .\kind-windows-amd64.exe kind.exe
To create a cluster, run the following
kind create cluster
After that you should see that we have a kubernetes cluster called kind-kind.
Configuring worker node for kind cluster
Let's say you want to have 2 nodes running in your cluster, you can proceed to do that with a configuration file as shown below:-
Then simply run it by
kind create cluster --config .\kind-config.yml
As you can see in the diagram below, there's 3 containers - one kind control pane and 2 worker node. All of these running as docker containers.
To configure a highly available control plane, we can use the following yaml