AKS - assigning static IP to the your cluster
To setup your kubernetes load balancer service type and tied it into your Azure public IP, you need to ensure
1. the service principal of your kubernetes cluster has Network Contributor access to your MC or node resource group
2. deploy the service yaml with the proper namely, service.beta.kubernetes.io/azure-load-balancer-resource-group and service.beta.kubernetes.io/azure-pip-name.
Assuming you have an existing cluster. Please note when you create your AKS cluster using the portal, you would have been given a public ip address that named with a Guid.
Setting up the network contributor
We need to get the client_id and MC resource group.
Getting cluster client Id
CLIENT_ID=$(az aks show --name aks-static-cluster --resource-group aks-static-rg --query identity.principalId --output tsv)
Getting resource id
RG_SCOPE=$(az group show --name MC_aks-static-rg_aks-static-cluster_australiaeast --query id --output tsv)
Assigning the scope
az role assignment create --assignee ${CLIENT_ID} --role "Network Contributor" --scope ${RG_SCOPE}
And you can see more details here.
We can also have more than one service associated to a public ip.
Key annotations for AKS.
The following annotations can be added to the Kubernetes service for the external and internal ingress gateways:
: to bind an internal ingress gateway to a specific subnet.service.beta.kubernetes.io/azure-shared-securityrule
: for exposing the ingress gateway through an augmented security rule.service.beta.kubernetes.io/azure-allowed-service-tags
: for specifying which service tags the ingress gateway can receive requests from.service.beta.kubernetes.io/azure-load-balancer-ipv4
: for configuring a static IPv4 address.service.beta.kubernetes.io/azure-load-balancer-resource-group
: for specifying the resource group of a public IP in a different resource group from the cluster.service.beta.kubernetes.io/azure-pip-name
: for specifying the name of a public IP address.