keycloak 24 - debugging with visual studio code
First you need to install jdk 17 (if you're working with keycloak 24) or jdk 21 (for anything higher) and ensure you have maven installed.
java -version
git --version
git clone keycloak.git
cd keycloak
./mvnw -pl quarkus/deployment,quarkus/ dist -am -DskipTests clean install
Once it is all build successfully. We will configure vscode.
Fire up vscode if you have not already done so and ensure you are in the keycloak repository. Ensure you have install java debugging extension. Then create launch.json that looks like this
From the command line, run the following command line.
java -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_
quarkus-run.jar start-dev --verbose
Ensure you have selected all the necessary breakpoints.
And once, you have done that, select Run -> Debug in vscode. Then you will be prompted to pick java that you would like to debug.
And if everything goes well, you will be able to see the followings.
Please ensure you do not have any application that binds to port 9000. As it is require by infinispan to run.