Google colab - Unsloth notebook error PyTorch 2.3.1+cu121 with CUDA 1201 (you have 2.4.0+cu121)


I bump into this error while running google colab notebook. 

xFormers can't load C++/CUDA extensions. xFormers was built for:

PyTorch 2.3.0+cu121 with CUDA 1201 (you have 2.4.0+cu124) Python 3.10.14 (you have 3.10.12)Please reinstall xformers (see

Memory-efficient attention, SwiGLU, sparse and more won't be available.

Obviously my pytorch is default to a new version which doesn't work well due to the built dependencies. 

To resolve that, I force my torch to version 2.3.1 and then restart my session.  Then proceed to run the rest of the code in the notebook.

!pip install "unsloth[colab-new] @ git+"
!pip install torch==2.3.1
!pip install --no-deps "xformers==0.0.27" "trl<0.9.0" peft accelerate bitsandbytes triton


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