istio destination rule subset don't really work


Istio destination rule routes to a service. Then the service uses selector to match against running pods that has certain labels for example, app=version. 

When a request comes in, it goes around in a round robin fashion (depending on the weight configure) it goes to hit individual pods. 

So the subset is quite meaningless - really confusing as shown below. 

If i really wanted to change the routing behavior, all i need to do is change the deployment->spec->selector->matchLabels->version: v3 to something else. This will make it hidden from service's selector. 

If you change the app: reviews to review-3 it is elusive to the service and won't be picked up  and route stops.

This is my service configuration 

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: reviews
    app: reviews
    service: reviews
  - port: 9080
    name: http
    app: reviews

Some additional notes: 

Service selector uses pods label to decide what to managed. 

if you have 3 labels defined in your service selector, then it all needs to match to the pod
for example, if your selector has (selector not the service label - as many people tend to get confused with) 

- app: v1 
- version: v1 
- owner: v1 

then your pod label should have all these 3 defined before it can form a 'route'
In order for istio to work, we have to be very careful with spec->ports->name as it has to be http or http-web or http-config. It must start with http.

Destination rule commented out as shown below but the routing still goes to all 3 rating reviews.

kind: DestinationRule
  name: reviews
  host: reviews
  # - name: v1
  #   labels:
  #     version: v1
  # - name: v2
  #   labels:
  #     version: v2
  - name: v3
      version: v3
    # trafficPolicy:
    #   loadBalancer:
    #      simple: LEAST_REQUEST


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