Your BananaCakePop.Services configuration is invalid. `ApiId` is required and was not set!


I am getting an error from running sample demo for Hotchoc fusion. It is just missing banana cakepop configurations. 

Configure your services by using the following code snippet. You can have your own ApiId, ApiKey and stage but you have to do the required setup. 

The following ApiId, ApiKey and Stage are copied from the docs - it is not really mine. 

    .AddInstrumentation(o => o.RenameRootActivity = true)
    .AddBananaCakePopServices(x =>
        x.ApiId = "VGhpcyBpcyBub3QgYSByZWFsIGFwaSBpZA==";
        x.ApiKey = "Tm9wZSwgdGhpcyBpcyBhbHNvIG5vIHJlYWwga2V5IDspIA==";
        x.Stage = "dev";


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