
Showing posts from February, 2016

Xamarin build aapt error -1 code after packaged_resource cannot be found installing nuget package

Solution : Update Xamarin for Visual Studio. Maybe not the best answer. :)

Update Xamarin for Visual Studio 2015

To updated go to Tools->Options->Xamarin->Other and then click on "Check now" which looks similar to diagram below : Once you're down with the download, go through the setup process and close Visual Studio. 

scapy + scapy tls Window installation

Please install Python 2.7, Then prcoeed to the following link  here : Download all the binaries and run it. In addition, you probably need to install WinPcap from the official site Also, if you like to install scapy tls package, you can definitely do so using pip install scapy-ssl_tls This requires that you have installed  Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler for Python  

quick guide babel compiler

Assuming that you already have npm installed, you need to get the following components. npm install babel npm install babel-cli npm install babel - preset - es2015 Go ahead and create a new file called polygon.js using the code below - next, run the following command to generate traditional javascrip (es5 script) babel --presets es2015 polygon.js --out-file poly.js