To create an angular pipe, you can use the following code. We create a mycustomTransformation pipe by adding a file that has the following codes import { Pipe , PipeTransform } from '@angular/core' ; @ Pipe ({ name: 'myCustomTransformation' , }) export class MyCustomTransformationPipe implements PipeTransform { transform ( value : string ) : string { return `My custom transformation of ${ value } .` } } To use the pipe above in your angular component, you need to import it as show below here import { Component , inject } from '@angular/core' ; import { UserService } from "./userservice" ; import { Logger , EvenBetterLogger } from "./betterLogger" ; import { MyCustomTransformationPipe } from './userpipe' ; @ Component ({ selector : 'app-ssrcounter' , imports : [ MyCustomTransformationPipe ], templateUrl : './ssrcounter.component.html' , styleUrl : './ssrcounter.component...