
Showing posts from June, 2009

Building Hadoop on Windows

Hadoop requires the following application :- 1) Ant (unzip and set PATH to point to this folder) 2) JDK (unzip and set PATH to point to this folder). I'm using JDK 1.6 Update 14 for this build. 3) Cygwin (svn + openssh) Download hadoop source code using svn from the following url: Go to the folder that you've download and build by typing ant (Press enter) That's all.

Configure PHP on Window 7 IIS

Assuming that you have downloaded and unzip to c:\php5. Here's how you configure PHP 1. Start IIS -- Start->Run->Inetmgr 2. Switch to Feature View, then click on Handler Mappings. 3. Add Script Map and use the following configuration a) Request Path = *.php b) Executable = C:\php5\php5isapi.dll c) Name : PHP_SCRIPT (You can use other name if you want) 4. Try running your PHP. That's it. (You might want to do a iisreset). I've enable ALL World Wide Web Services ---> Application Development Features ---> ISAPI Extension & ISAPI Filters ON in Turn Windows features on or off. If you face issue connecting to mysql :- a) Try troubleshoot using phpinfo(); Try to see if you have configure mysql correctly. b) you can copy php_mysql.dll & php_mysqli.dll to c:\windows\system32;

DataTable does not have AsEnumerable

I have problem locating my AsEnumerable extension method in my DataTabe (System.Data). Thank god for this post by Angel ( I was able to find this method once i have added reference to the following assembly. C:\Program Files\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\v3.5\System.Data.DataSetExtensions.dll Try to do a dummy Build and you should be able to get it.