Bye bye Atom - I switching to Visual studio code
After days of trying out Atom with typescript, i finally gave up. Autocomplete (intellisense) is not working and end up losing alot of time.
I switch to Visual Stuido code and install 2 main component and I'm good to go - i have all the autocomplete for javascript and typescript that i needed. This not just include javascript method for string like indexOf but also include Angular2's EventEmitter.
The component that I installed are :-
a) Typescript and Javascript grammar
b) Angular 2 typescript snippet by John Papa.
Check out my autocomplete. My development time just went up by 200%. ;)
I switch to Visual Stuido code and install 2 main component and I'm good to go - i have all the autocomplete for javascript and typescript that i needed. This not just include javascript method for string like indexOf but also include Angular2's EventEmitter.
The component that I installed are :-
a) Typescript and Javascript grammar
b) Angular 2 typescript snippet by John Papa.
Check out my autocomplete. My development time just went up by 200%. ;)