Using rakt on docker

This is a bit confusing but i am running on windows, so this is me trying to try out rocketd contianer.
You can run docker images using rocket but that's another story.

Anyways to get started, you need to use docker to install fedora (and some other Linux distribution - ubuntu is not one of them) and install rocketd container.

 dnf install rkt
76 M - that's not too bad.

To experiment it, try running a redis docker image on rocketd container.

rkt --insecure-options=image run docker://redis

Some useful command are :

rkt image list

rkt list --full - list currently running pods

rkt status  

rkt enter (allows me to enter into the pods shell for exploration activities - kinda list this)

rkt fly (nobody know what this does - LOL )


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