prometheus install with helm chart


helm repo add prometheus-community
Quite alof charts available 
helm search repo prometheus-community
to install it
helm install prometheus prometheus-community/prometheus
Once you have installed it, you should be able to see 
kubectl get pods -A
Look for alert manager pods. To access the UI, simply run the following commands:
kubectl port-forward prometheus-server-568d75474d-gck62 5000:9090
Open your browser using http://localhost:5000
This will give you access to the prometheus server id and then you can look at service discovery

In your browser goto Graph -> Expression -> Enter your metrics like for example kube_pod_info, 
then click "Execute", you will see output on in the table user interface.
Unsure if this works - trying to include the pods into prometheus
kubectl label pod httpbin-9dbd644c7-6sx7f -n default


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