dotnet-dump - collecting dump from Windows or Linux environment

 We can easily install this tool to collect dump from Linux and Windows environment.

  • dotnet tool install --global dotnet-dump

Once you have install it, run dotnet-dump ps to list current processes

To create a dump, simply run the following command, where -p is the process Id (as listed by command above

 dotnet-dump collect -p 11596

Once you have collected the dump, it is time to analyze it. There's some differences from windbg but it is essentially the same. 

You will need to run 


As you can see, we have an exceptions here. Then we just run "pe" (print exceptions) with the address 

This will gives us the exceptions. 

One thing good about dotnet-dump is that sos would just work. For example you can try to use 

sos runtimes 

Dumping IL 

First you need the correct method descriptior. To get that, try to run : sos dumpstack 

Then you can run dumpil for example 

If you have problem, always remember to use soshelp 


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