openKruise getting started installation
To install opencruise, you need to ensure certificate manager is installed.
kubectl apply -f
Next, we install openKruise
# Firstly add openkruise charts repository if you haven't do this.
$ helm repo add openkruise
# [Optional]
$ helm repo update
# Install the latest version.
$ helm install kruise openkruise/kruise --version 1.5.2
When you do a kubectl get pod -A, you should be able to see there's pod running certificate manager and openKruise.
Setup redis server
$ kubectl apply -f
Run the following tutorial
You should be able to see guessbook v1 when your hit http://localhost:3000
Let's update the image for your application and you will noticed that we the pod id does not change (pod are not recreated)
kubectl edit cloneset/guestbook-clone
Update openkruise/guestbook:v1 to image: openkruise/guestbook:v2
Try to hit http://localhost:3000 and you will see the guestbook version has been updated to v2.