kubevela installation
First download vela using
powershell -Command "iwr -useb https://kubevela.io/script/install.ps1 | iex"
Please ensure you install vela 1.9.9 and above. This version would allow you to work with k8s 1.29.
Run the following to install
vela install
To turn on vela UX
vela addon enable velaux:
The default username is admin and password is VelaUX12345.
Deploying first application
vela up -f https://kubevela.net/example/applications/first-app.yaml
Check on the status
vela status first-vela-app
If you would like to use the server, try
vela port-forward first-vela-app 8000:8000
Resuming application
vela workflow resume first-vela-app
Once you have deployed it, your apps would look like this.
Introducing Kubevela component
These are basically the types of component supported
- webservice - long-running, scalable, containerized services that have a stable network endpoint to receive external network traffic from customers.
- cronjob - scheduled task that runs
- daemon - for running k8s daemonset.
- task - is really a job that runs task to completion
- k8s raw object