Azure load balancer - setting up load balancer and vm as backend pool


In this example, we are going to setup an Azure public load balancer and backed by Azure VM backend pool. To get started we will do the following 

- Create virtual Network 

Goto Virtual Network -> Create -> Then provide the following configuration 

Resource group: mylbrg

Virtual network name: lbvnet

Security: Do not do anything here 

IP Address: 



Review and create.

- Create 1 VM with a public ip and setup IIS 

Goto Virtual Machine -> Create 

Resource group: mylbrg

Virtual machine name: VM`1

In Networking tab, ensure you create a new Public IP for your VM. 

Subnet is: BackendPoolSubnet

Enable Inbound port for: http, https and RDP 

Leave the rest as it is. Click on Review and Create

Once your VM is up and running, goto cloud shell and run the following command to setup IIS

Set-AzVMExtension -ResourceGroupName mylbrg -ExtensionName IIS -VMName VM1 -Publisher Microsoft.Compute -ExtensionType CustomScriptExtension -TypeHandlerVersion 1.4 -SettingString '{"commandToExecute":"powershell Add-WindowsFeature Web-Server; powershell Add-Content -Path \"C:\\inetpub\\wwwroot\\Default.htm\" -Value $($env:computername)"}' -Location AustraliaEast

- Create Load Balancer and configure front end and backend 

Let's create a public load balancer. 

Goto Load balancer -> Create 

Resource group: mylbrg

Name: publiclb

Sku: standard

Type: public

Front end configuration

In the front end configuration 

Name: myfrontend

IP version: IPv4

IPType: IP addresss

Public IP address: Choose create new and give it a name.

Gateway Load Balancer: None. 

Add Backend Pool 

Name: BackEndPool

Virtual Network: Choose lbvnet 

Under IP Configuration click on Add, and select the VM1 that you have just created. 

Inbound Rules

Under inbound rules, click on "Add a load balancing rules" and configure using the screenshot here.

Name: httprule

IP Version: IPv4

Protocol: TCP 

Port: 80 

Backend Port: 80 

Click on Create Health probe

Name: BasicHealthProbe

Leave the rest as it is. Click on Review and create. 

Testing the configurations

Goto your LB and find the public IP address

Fire up your browser and hit this end point. 

You should be able to see


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