Http REST request, usage and their payload
Here we would like to figure out how to work with different HTTP request methods -
A complete list of methods available are :-
a) HEAD - same as GET, except it does not accept payload
b) GET - access a resource
c) POST - submit data with the intention of modifying a resource or adding to a resource
d) PUT - modify a resource
e) DELETE - remove a resource
f) TRACE - Echo back the received resource forms server.
g) OPTIONS - Returns what the HTTP server supports. For health check for instance to check if a server is online, I think this would be the method to use. Not because it is light or doesn't have a payload but it makes sense. P.S. There is no semantic usage at the moment from HTTP governing body.
h) CONNECT - Convert request connection to a transparent TCP/IP tunnel. Not supported
i) PATCH - partial response to a resources request.
CONNECT and TRACE are the only options not supported by .Net core.