Creating nuget package - revisit

To create a nuget package :-

a) Create your project like you would do normally.

b) Download nuget cli and place it in your project root directory. Next create your nuspec file.

c) Run "nuget pack AppConsole1.csproj" and not against your nuget spec file.

d) Setup local repository

Go to Tools -> Options -> Nuget Package Manager -> Package Sources ->

Click on the Green plus sign and setup a local repository by providing a Name and Source (folder path to your project) .

Done! :)

Please note : You can also bundle static file here.

Possible error :-

Invalid URI: The format of the URI could not be determined.

This happens if your have an attribute in your nuspec which is not a valid url value.

Value cannot be null or an empty string.
Parameter name: value

This happens when you have a mandatory attribute for example, name, description but it was omitted. 


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