solidity quick start
Keywords for solidity
mapping (mapping(_KeyType => _ValueType) - use to express we're going to map 'KeyType' to get the intended 'ValueType'. We will use address as a key and we get Voter type in return.
// This declares a state variable that // stores a `Voter` struct for each possible address. mapping(address => Voter) public voters;
payable - if a function supports payment (transfer / receive payment)
memory -
stack -
msg.sender is the current account interacting with a transaction. Data type is address.
A very simple, get / set contract property example :-
Coin balance example.
In this example, solidity code allows user to mint / create coins and then keep track it it. A call to 'coinbalance' you will be able to query amount in an address.
Some common global variables / terms
- block.blockhash(uint numberOfBlock) returns (bytes32): hash which belongs to the given block – will only work for 256 of the most recent blocks, not including current
- block.difficulty (uint): difficulty of the current block
- block.coinbase (address): miner’s address of the current block
- block.number (uint): number of the current block
- block.gaslimit (uint): gaslimit of the current block
- block.timestamp (uint): timestamp of the current block as seconds passed since the unix epoch
- msg.gas (uint): gas that remains
- (bytes): complete calldata
- msg.value (uint): amount of wei which was sent along with the message
- msg.sender (address): message sender (current call)
- msg.sig (bytes4): calldata’s first four bytes (i.e. function identifier)
- now (uint): timestamp of the current block (alias for block.timestamp)
- tx.origin (address): sender of the transaction (whole call chain)