Function app ASE

ASE (Application service environment) is an isolated environment for you to run your code on.

If you use Terraform 

Unfortunately if you're using terraform, you get error message trying to provision a function app that ties to a service plan  (ASE).

Status code nil, nil - Not a very helpful message

Issue is tracked here.

If you still want to use terraform, get it to create service plan and stop. Don't provision your function app. That service plan you just created are tied to an environment id.

Then use Az Cli to create a function app and manually ties it to the service plan created locally.

You also need to setup system identity and somehow add that into resources like keyvault and all the goodies.

If you use Az Cli

Creating a service plan that ties to a ASE is not supported. Look up the service plan, you cannot create Isolated using az cli.

Microsoft has just move this into their backlog

Powershell AZ 2.4

The only option is to use Powershell AZ.

My case 

Since i am using Terraform, i get it to a point to provision my storage account, service plan that ties to an ASE and then i used Az cli to provision function app manually.

And then there are a chain of work that needs to be done still.


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