Az cli passing the correct data type with some examples

When you are working with Az cli, you often need to pass in the correct data type. This can be pretty time consuming to figure out the correct syntax and what the data type looks like.

For demo purposes, I assume we are working with an event hub

Update resource 

When you update, you need to use the following syntax. Notice the equal sign and setting the value 'Deny' to a nested properties called  properties.defaultAction.

az resource update -n "myeventhubnamespace/networkrulesets/default" -g "myfakeresourcegroup" --resource-type "Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces" --set properties.defaultAction=Deny

Adding resources 

When you add, you use the following syntax.  Notice no more equal sign. In this scenario, we wanted to add entries to an array / list of key value pairs. The syntax looks something like this :-

az resource update -n "myeventhubnamespace/networkrulesets/default" -g "myfakeresourcegroup" --resource-type "Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces" --add properties.ipRules "{'action':'Allow', 'ipMask':''} "

I am not implying that you can do anything you want using "az resource update", but just showcasing some syntax.

Hope this helps.


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