Azure linking up different resource groups into a service plan

In your deployment, you might want to link function app from different resource group with a specific service plan. Working with az cli blindly (especially with dodgy documentation) could be a challenge.

Here is a tested script az cli to tied a function app into a specific service plan (that you might have created somewhere else) that might help.

 az functionapp create --name $env:environment$env:functionapp_name --resource-group $env:environment$env:resource_group_name --storage-account $env:environment$env:storage_accountname -p /subscriptions/$env:Subscription/resourceGroups/$($env:environment)$env:serviceplan_resource_group/providers/Microsoft.Web/serverFarms/$($env:environment)$env:serviceplan_name --app-insights-key $appInsightId --runtime dotnet --os-type Windows

$xxx - are variables for powershell and you can tell that the script is written in powershell.


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