rust clap cli basics
Clap have the concept of
a) argument - is input pass to the executing command for example myexec helloworld.
helloworld here is the argument
b) options - predefined argument that the program accept, for example myexec -n test
You will see example below
When you work with clap derive mode, you have to create a struct that derived from Parser as shown below:
Simple Argument
Here we will create a command line that takes in a string as input
To execute, run myexec test and it will output
name: test
Adding argument
If you change your cli struct and add #[arg(short, long), you are creating argument.
Then you are saying creating an option. An option require you to specify input like --n (in the example above)
If you would like to specify a short and long option, you can do so using the following code
So instead of using -n you get to use -h. This is handy especially when there's a clash with existing automatically infer option such as -h ( --help).