Unable to install modular - getting Failed to update via apt-get update


When i tried running the following command (trying to install modular), I got the following error: 

Then I tried to run 

sudo apt-get update


I got another error. As you might have guessed it, this is due to 'apt-get'install issue that related to system clock. Then run the following command :-

hwclock --hctosys 

After that run 

 sudo apt-get update

Once that completed, I just re-run modular cli installation again

curl https://get.modular.com | sh - && \

modular auth mut_89ef4b15a38a47bf98c3e09f25241f41

You may need to run "modular auth" separately by running the following command:-

 modular auth mut_89ef4b15a38a47bf98c3e09f25241f41

Then install sdk via

modular install mojo


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