Getting helm to work in your local kubernetes cluster

I assumed you already have helm installed. So let's run your helm charts

helm install --name my-release stable/grafana

Next run,
.\helm status my-release
To retrieve your password run the following command :-

kubectl get secret --namespace default my-release-grafana  -o jsonpath="{.data.admin-password}"

And you will get something like this below :-


Copy and paste this over to and decode it.

You probably gonna get this :-


Which i think is the standard password for Garfana - I could be wrong. :)

Forwarding it to a local port so you can access it using :- http://localhost:3000/login

 kubectl --namespace default port-forward my-release-grafana-5657c7854d-m98sx 3000
And this is your login screen :- 
And you will see grafana screen as shown below :-


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