AADSTS90061: Request to External OIDC endpoint failed.

 This error often comes up and if you google it, you will hit this page.


To give an idea what the error message means, "the OIDC issuer endpoint is not exposed to the internet or is inaccessible"" - This simply means Microsoft Azure AD is trying to hit the endpoint you've provided in the issuer section.  So it is not just a static value that you provided in your federated credential and provided the necessary field in your JWT. 

The endpoint will be access and jwks key checked against the token you have provided. 

SERVICE_ACCOUNT_ISSUER - is the issuer endpoint you specified/provided in your JWT.

This must be publicly accessible along with the following endpoint

curl ${SERVICE_ACCOUNT_ISSUER}/.well-known/openid-configuration

curl ${SERVICE_ACCOUNT_ISSUER}/openid/v1/jwks


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