Azure devops docker service connection's service principal been removed


An issue with an Azure DevOps Docker service connection where the service principal is no longer available. As I have limited access to my organization AD, I am unable to carry out much investigation. I suspect the service principal has been removed.

This is not the same as service principal expired where you can

For expired service principal token

  • Go to your Azure DevOps project settings and navigate to Service connections.
  • Locate the Docker service connection using a service principal.
  • Click Edit on the connection.
  • In the edit window, click Verify. This attempts to refresh the token using the existing credentials.

In my case, didn't even have a "verify" button - so i suspect this is more for Azure ARM Manager. 

Or a variation of the workaround from stackoverflow link where you need to remove the secret before making meaningless update to re-generate the secret.

To resolve it, i have to change my Docker service connection to use "Other" and setup the following 

Why didn't I consider using Managed Identity for this setup? The managed identity is suitable for use-case scenario whereby you have a VM running as an agent pool that pushes images to your ACR.

I didn't wanted to re-create the docker service connection because there's 30 over projects tied to this. 


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