auth0 - code flow and configuring spa application with custom refresh_token times

To configure your SPA application go to your Auth0 dashbaord -> Create Application -> Provide a name ->  Choose technology -> select React

Ensure you have configure - "Allowed callback url" - for me - I have set it to https://localhost:3000 which Auth0 validation check does not approves although it does allow me to save, for now.

Ensure Refresh Token Rotation is configured - as shown below:

Next, we will use postman to get a refresh token 

Ensure you have configure 

- client id
- client secret
- grant type - code 
- auth endpoint -
- token endpoint -
- scope - offline_access

When you hit "Get new access token" - your token will get a refresh token on top of access_token - as shown below: 

You can see postman enable the refresh command for you - so you can trigger refresh token anytime

How do you configure a custom expiry_in token time? 

Unfortunately this is going to be a global settings - which impact all clients (spa/regular web app).

Goto Settings-> API Authorization Settings -> Default Audience (please change this into your API identifier).  Please refer to the diagram here for more information.


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